Donate now – and give the gift of sight!

Ein kleiner Junge mit einer weiß schimmernden Pupille sitzt in einer Hütte auf dem Schoß einer Frau mit schwarzem Kopftuch und schwarzem Gewand. © CBM
Donate and save the eyesight of children like Ahmed in Africa!

Help us saving children and adults in poor countries from blindness! Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness worldwide, especially in Africa, Asia and South America. At the same time a simple surgery could heal the people affected.

A cataract operation with general anesthesia costs 125 euros for children and only 30 euros for adults. Donate online for Africa and help people with cataracts like little Ahmed in Cameroon.

Because people like you donate, children can go to school, mothers can look after their boys and girls. And fathers can care for their families again. – Because these children, women and man can see again!

Donate online

That's who we are ...

... and what Christoffel-Blindenmission (CBM) sets apart from other German charity organizations:

  • More than 15 million times CBM has given eyesight to poor people around the world through cataract surgeries – because our German donors believe in us and have been donating to our projects since 1908.
  • We are an NGO in Germany with more than a hundred years of experience.
  • We are currently supporting 391 (new: 379) projects in 44 (new: 40) countries, primarily in Africa and India.
  • In general we have been improving the situation of people with disabilities in poor countries – with medical care and social work. For instance: Together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the respective national governments, we have eradicated the eye disease trachoma in countries such as Ghana, Malawi and Myanmar.
  • Donors can also donate to our mentoring programme: We use this specific money to train ophthalmologists and specialist staff.
  • As you can see: With you as an online donor you help us to sustainably improve the quality of lives.
  • As a reputable donation organization, we make sure that your donation goes where it is needed most, especially to children.
  • For our work the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) has awarded us its DZI seal. This assures you: We budget sparingly and transparently and handle your donation properly. The DZI rate for 2022 is 9.6 per cent (for advertising and administrative expenses in relation to total expenses from statutory work, advertising and administrative expenses).

Give the gift of sight, donate money online and make a lasting difference to people's lives!

With these payment methods you can donate: PayPal, SEPA, and Visa.

Jetzt spenden!

125 Euro kostet eine Graue-Star-OP mit Vollnarkose für ein Kind.
Nur 30 Euro kostet eine Graue-Star-OP für Jugendliche und Erwachsene.

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